kapal tempur prancis richelieu bahasa Inggris
- kapal: carrier; liner; ship; ship's; ships; vessel;
- kapal tempur: battle-cruiser; battleships; battleship
- tempur: combat
- prancis: france; french
- richelieu: duc de richelieu; armand jean du plessis;
- kapal tempur kelas richelieu: richelieu-class battleship; richelieu class battleship; richelieu-class battleships
- kapal tempur prancis paris: french battleship paris
- richelieu: duc de richelieu; armand jean du plessis; richelieu; cardinal richelieu
- pesawat tempur prancis: french fighter aircraft
- kapal penjelajah tempur: battlecruisers; battlecruiser
- kapal tempur amerika serikat: battleships of the united states navy
- kapal tempur britania raya: battleships of the royal navy
- kapal tempur cepat: fast battleship
- kapal tempur gneisenau: german battleship gneisenau
- kapal tempur italia littorio: italian battleship littorio
- Supported by several cruisers, the ship then blockaded Dakar and attempted to sink the French battleship Richelieu by exploding depth charges underneath her stern, as well as sending Fairey Swordfish torpedo bombers to attack her at night.
Didukung oleh beberapa kapal penjelajah, Hermes kemudian memblokade Dakar dan berusaha untuk menenggelamkan Kapal tempur Prancis Richelieu dengan meledakkan senjata yang meledak di dalam air (peledak kedalaman) di bawah buritan, serta mengirim pesawat pembom torpedo Fairey Swordfish untuk menyerang pada malam hari.
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